国際ビジネスコミュニケーション学会(JBCA) 第81回全国大会 基調講演(オンライン) 期 間:10月2日(土)(15:30〜17:40) テーマ:Shared Language and Transdisciplinarity : Keys for Prosperity in Business Communication 講 師: Marlies Whitehouse (Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland) 内 容:産官学の新しい形のコラボレーションであるTransdisciplinarityについての講演とパネル・ディスカッション
Dear participants of the 80th National Convention of the Japan Business Communication Association (JBCA) and JBCA members,
Thank you very much for your participation in the 80th National Convention of the Japan Business Communication Association, which was held online via Zoom on October 10-11, 2020. We truly hope that you had enjoyed the meeting. We are pleased to announce that a digest version of the convention and videos of the individual presentations, workshops, panel discussions, and the 80th Anniversary Zoom Party (only the first part of each) is now uploaded for you to watch. Please take a look and enjoy. Captions for the video contents are also attached and can be downloaded from this website. This video can be viewed by members and also by anyone interested in the activities of JBCA. Please click the play button on the video player below to watch the video.