研究年報第77号 / p031 – p040

Cross-cultural Correspondence of Marketing Communication:
A Case Study of Food Companies

HyeongJung Kim(Shizuoka Sangyo University)


Marketing communication constitutes a variety of activities that transmit and persuade information of products and brands to consumers. The role of marketing communication in domestic markets is similar to that of overseas markets. Today, with the rapid increase of globalization, it is critical that marketing communication strategies respond to cross-cultural consideration. In the past, marketing communication research was conducted exclusively for domestic companies within the sphere of the domestic market.
This study discusses marketing communication strategy methods related to cross-cultural considerations. For this reason, we specifically focus on the food industry, which is becoming increasingly globalized, especially in recent years. In particular, we will focus on China, where the growth of the food industry is remarkable, and examine through case analysis of Japanese and Korean food companies.