Dear Members of the Japan Business Communication Association,
At the 78th National Meeting of the Board of Directors held at Kindai University on October 13th, 14th 2018, I was appointed as the President of the Board of Directors succeeding Nobuo Kamata. My apologies as the news is sent out to you after the closing ceremony of the National Meeting. I hereby would like to greet you all as I am very much honored and pleased to serve you as the new President.
To further develop the Association, while keeping the traditions fostered by the successive Presidents and senior members, my mission is to provide assistance to young researchers as well as advancing internationalization within our community. I also aim to assist in collaborative research between our members and support in creating opportunities of exchange with other associations within Japan. I am also considering creating better ways to spread the activities of JBCA.
The active initiatives taken by regional branches will invigorate the whole association, so lively interaction between the branches is of great importance. I am willing to make necessary arrangements upon your requests. As for the members, please do not hesitate to actively participate and present in other branches too. To increase membership, we also encourage you to recruit possible members and invite them to participate in branch meetings.
Lastly, I thank you all for this opportunity to serve as your President. I will do my utmost to help to push our association ahead to greater heights, and I ask for your continuous support and encouragement.
Takehisa Kobayashi
JBCA President