日系企業による国際 M&A の統合過程における 3 つの異文化を考慮したビジネスコミュニケーションの重要性について
“Importance of cross cultural business communications for Japanese companies during cross boarder M&A and Post Merger Integration
–consideration on three cultural differences”
森本 真理 (甲南女子大学)
Mari Morimoto (Konan Women’s University)
This paper aims to clarify the importance of cross cultural business communications literacy for Japanese companies during cross boarder M&A and Post Merger Integration(PMI). Cross boarder PMI’s communication is extremely complex compared with ordinary communications because of its unique process and its inclusion of three different cultures; different cultures of the countries, different corporate cultures, and different cultures created by opposite positions as acquirers or acquires. Given the uniqueness of Japanese organizational culture, its communica- tion will be labyrinth. The case studies of researcher’s actual experiences and reports about Japanese cross boarder M&A researched by Japanese Government, METI1) in addition to previous researches illustrate the importance of cross cultural business communication literacy for the Japanese companies during cross boarder M&A and PMI process.