4 つの分析モデル(視点)からの考察
Office Communications: An analysis from four perspectives on communication
野村誠二(GAM 証券投資顧問株式会社)
Seiji Nomura(GAM Japan Limited)
The author intends to analyze in this paper an office communication issue happened in a small company. Managers and senior management of a company are responsible for providing a safe and peaceful working environment to its employees so that each of them can concentrate on its duties. The author will analyze the characteristics and problems related to office communications by using four analysis models(viewpoint)of communication, i.e.(i)Mechanistic model,(ii)Psychological perspective,(iii)Interactionist perspective(stemming from a body of theory and research known as a symbolic interactionism)and(iv)Pragmatic perspective. Whether certain problem is material to a person concerned is depending on its subjective view and certain tiny matter may become a big issue later. In this paper the author will see this matter subject to a closed environment in an office, which is limited space physically and restricted personnel movement and exchange, and seek solutions in order to avoid miss-communications and ensure smooth communications in the office.