研究年報第82号 / p037 – p046


The Impacts of Communication Channel Usage by CEO, Managers, and Peers
on Internal Organizational Communication

金子 敦子 (明治大学)
Atsuko Kaneko (Meiji University)


This study investigates which communication channels(e.g., face-to-face, videoconference, telephone, e-mail, texting, electronic documents, printed documents)within a company are effective for communication between subordinates, peers, managers, and the CEO, respectively, using media richness theory and media synchronicity theory as theoretical frameworks. An online survey of 400 full-time employees in large-sized corporations in Japan showed that frequencies of communication channel usage had significant impacts on employees’ perceived symmetrical communication and organization-employee relationships. Combinations of lean media(electronic documents)and rich media(face-to-face meetings or videoconferencing)were shown to be significant for symmetrical communication practices with managers and peers.
Theoretical and practical implications for internal organizational communication are discussed.

Keywords: internal communication, communication channel, symmetrical communication, employee-organization relationship