研究年報第82号 / p027 – p036


Business communication in a globalized working place: a case study of a Japanese
small-medium enterprise

村田 和代(龍谷大学)
江 欣樺(東京大学)
吉田 悦子(滋賀県立大学)
大平 幸(立命館アジア太平洋大学)

Kazuyo Murata(Ryukoku University)
Hsin-Hua Chiang(The University of Tokyo)
Etsuko Yoshida(The University of Shiga Prefecture)
Saki Ohira(Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University)


Despite the increasing number of international workers in Japanese enterprises, there are limited studies tackling multi-cultural communication at a working place as a relational practice.
The research conducts a case study on a Japanese small-medium enterprise where more than half of the employees are foreigners. Taking an ethnographical approach, the data is retrieved from participatory observation, semi-structural interview, and documental materials. Based on a comprehensive observation on the daily conversations occurring at the office, the study categorizes the characteristic communication design into two aspects: formal communications such as tutorials on job skills, business diary, morning meetings, and monthly seminar; as well as informal communications such as personal consultation, random chats, and casual discussions based on specific topics. The research then analyzes the structure of diverse communication designs, further indicating two main findings: first, the conversations have utilized the skills that strengthen interpersonal relationships; second, the communications at different levels have applied reflective practices, either in the actions or on the actions. In addition, these reflective practices are constructed throughout the interactions between the participants. Finally, the research suggests that mutual dynamics of understanding, reaction, and adjustments within conversations, can be a key catalyst that facilitates collaborative learning and the employees’ ownerships in a globalized working place.