Case study of business communication education at university How do project-based learning courses affect career decision-making?
浦 聡美(明星大学大学院)
Satomi Ura(Graduate School of Meisei University)
This study examines how business communication education at university affects students’ career decision-making. Through project-based learning courses based on global concepts, students are able to experience the process of accomplishing project goals in quasi business situations. This study employs social cognitive career theory to observe students’ cognitive development of self-efficacy toward business communication skills and career interests. Previous quantitative surveys revealed positive effects between proactive learning and career-decision- making self-efficacy among university students. However, qualitative studies offer additional scope to investigate how university students develop self-efficacy in their learning environment. In order to illustrate the development process from a micro perspective, this study takes an ethnographic approach using naturally occurring data and research participants’narratives. The findings suggest that tangible learning experiences at university facilitate a successful transition to a business career.