“A study of the success and failure by difference of transfer communication between original English title and Japanese title in Hollywood movies.”
後 宮 昌 樹(ソニー・ピクチャーズエンタテイメント)
Masaki Ushiroku(Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc.)
The title of the movie is an important communication tool that affects the Movie business. I think the appeal of the movie title is also an important factor in determining success and failure in the Movie business. Therefore, how original English title of Hollywood movies could have chance of success business in Japan Market? We examine success and failure cases by referring to various Japanese titles that audience can need to understand. How is the idea of necessary a Japanese title really born? To what extent is the meaning of the original title English reflected? Even in Japanese titles that were not really understood the meaning of English, communication was established, and can a movie succeed? It is not only the fun of English-language titles, but also rather from business insight.